Valerie currently teaches writing workshops (poetry and memoir) for adult writers several times a year.
Visiting Associate Professor of English, University of Miami (2012-2013)
Intermediate Poetry Workshop
Advanced Poetry Workshop
Poetry as a Form of Community
Advanced Poetry Workshop
Guest Lecturer, The University of New Mexico (2007, 2010, 2012)
Intermediate Poetry Workshop
Advanced Poetry Workshop
Sharing the Same Space: An Arts-Based Approach to Racial Healing
Tenured Professor of English and Creative Writing, Director of Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Santa Fe (2003-2009)
Introduction to Creative Writing
Intermediate Poetry Workshop
Intermediate Creative Nonfiction Workshop
Advanced Creative Nonfiction Workshop
Southwest: Matter, Memory, Imagination (Interdisciplinary)
Freshman Interdisciplinary MAP Core Classes (team taught):
The American Southwest: (Humanities, Science, Freshman Composition)
Beauty (Humanities, Art, Freshman Composition)
Living History (Student Internship Program)
Masterpieces of American Literature
Nineteenth Century American Literature
Sr. Level Seminars: Emily Dickinson & Melville’s Moby Dick
Guest Lecturer, Institute for American Indian Arts (2010)
Creative Nonfiction
Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Ursinus College (2000-2003)
Poetry Writing I
Poetry Writing II
Advanced Creative Writing
Twentieth Century Poetry & Poetics
Global, Postmodern Poetry
Honors Projects in Poetry
Women’s Literature
Creative Nonfiction
Advanced Expository Writing
Freshman Composition
Native American Women’s Literature
Assistant Professor of English, New Mexico Highlands University (1996-2000)
Creative Writing: Poetry I
Creative Writing: Poetry II
Introduction to Poetry
Native American Women’s Literature
Contemporary Latino Literature
Freshman Composition
Basic Reading & Writing
Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry I
Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry II
Major American Poets
Methods of Tutoring & Teaching Writing
Graduate Assistant in Teaching, University of Arizona (1987-1992)
Intermediate Poetry Workshop
Advanced Poetry Workshop
Introduction to Poetry
Freshman Composition I
Technical Writing
Freshman Composition II
Honors Composition Developmental Reading & Writing